Chuck Currie

Chuck Currie

Corrado Giuffredi Reading Chuck Currie 2 minutes Next Mark Cramer

Why I Chose Backun

"Morrie Backun treats his clients and their instruments like gold. His knowledge, technology, standards and imagination make him and his team the foremost woodwind and brass R&D institute and manufacturer in the world. His understanding of acoustical voicing, materials and technology makes him the new Theobald Boehm – crafting the most significant acoustical and mechanical improvements in 150 years."


Chuck Currie performs with the Meridiem Wind Orchestra, the Island Big Band, Pacific Basswood, and the Bass Clarinet Choir of the Bass Clarinet Association of Canada. He has recorded with the Vancouver Island Symphony, the Vancouver Philharmonic, the Pacific Symphonic Wind Ensemble, the Royal Canadian 15th Field Artillery Regimental Band, Pacific Basswood and the Vancouver Saxophone Ensemble. He was the Saxophone/Clarinet Coach for the BC Honour Wind Ensemble and a clinician for the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and the British Columbia Music Teachers Association. He is currently Chair of the Meridiem Wind Orchestra’s School Outreach Clinics and its annual Vancouver Island Youth Soloist Competition.   

He has performed world-wide at Big Band, Wind Ensemble, Clarinet and Saxophone Festivals. The reviewer of the opening concert of the 2007 International Clarinet Association Clarinetfest wrote: “Chuck Currie’s interpretation of the bass clarinet solos in Frank Ticheli’s Blue Shades was astonishing. Never have I heard a bass clarinet shape and bend notes like that…what amazing projection! His a capella duet with Eddie Daniels was magnificent.” 

He teaches at his Sax Noir Studio and was the saxophone and clarinet instructor for St Georges School for 20 years. Students have auditioned successfully for the International Honors Wind Symphony at Lincoln Center, the Canadian Wind Orchestra, the National Youth Band of Canada, the Vancouver Philharmonic Orchestra, the British Columbia Honour Orchestra, the UBC School of Music, the Vancouver Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, and the Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra. 

Mr. Currie’s articles on pedagogy and equipment have been published by The BC Band Journal, Canadian Winds Magazine, Saxophone Journal, The BC Music Educator and Clarinet & Saxophone Magazine. 

Performs On

Lumiére Bb Clarinet in Cocobolo

Lumière A Clarinet in Cocobolo

Q Series Bass Clarinet in Cocobolo


Pacific Basswood Website